
Individual Counselling

The main focus of my practice is focused on individual counselling and psychotherapy.

Group Counselling

My teaching background has made me very aware of specific areas that group counselling can support.  Cognitive Behaviour group therapy for anxiety is a great and proven approach to support those dealing with problematic anxiety.

Parenting Educational Support

Providing parents with supports to understand mental health is a goal of mine.  Hearing things like the adolescent brain, hidden stressors, anxiety, depression ….can be foreign and alarming for some parents.  A group or individual session can go a long way towards supporting and understanding your child on their journey.


Coming to understand oneself through journaling and creative self expression can be a great way to promote self care.  Journaling can provide deep insight for group discussion and feed back or more personal insight when shared during individual counselling.  For some, pen to paper or art is the better vehicle for self expression instead of a heavy reliance on talk.  Explaining, delving and honouring your creation is another way to self express to a therapist.